Monday, October 5, 2009

Getting started.

Ok, I haven't used the blog machine in quite a while. I just press the glowing letters on this UID and the blog machine transfers my thoughts to the VDU. Good, it's still working.

So, I recentlly got a new puppy. YAY! A puppy! How exciting! Well, I suppose. He's gotta go outside every 30-min. to an hour. He's ALWAYS hungry. At least he's cute when he's asleep.
He's a black lab. He was 8 weeks old when I got him, he's ... about 15 weeks old now. I think. I can already tell he's going to be a very large dog.

His name is Wallace Madadh. I usually call him Walls or Madadh and he seems to respond well to either. Ok, I'm sure a few of you are thinking Madadh? How the **expletive deleted** do you pronounce that? Well ... hold on, I gotta take him outside.

...Ok I'm back. So, Madadh, it's a Gaelic name. You say it kinda like, Mah-Du.

Well, I think I'm done with the blog machine for now, That wasn't too difficult, I'm going to try to start doing this more often. For now, I will leave you with a few pictures of Madadh. Feel free to say "Aawwwww, what cute little puppy!".

I know, right? Adorable.