Let's just get to it then, shall we? I've got a bit of art for you today. Please, if you love it, hate it, or think it's just ok .. post a comment.
Most of these start as sketches on paper that I scan to the computer.
Look at Me
Does it need an explanation? I think it's pretty straight forward.
Emotions, am I right? I always liked this one.
Ok, I actually painted/drew this whole thing. First on paper, then finished in photoshop. Everybody seems to think I just edited a photo, but I promise, I created every bit of it. Based on memories of my visit to the Forbidden City in China.
Again, never a photo. I did look at gladiolus flowers as a made it, but it's not a shopped photo. This one is for my Gram, she loved the gladiolus. She was a wonderful woman and I miss her all the time.
Ok, that's all for now. Let me know what you think.
OH! You should also become a follower of my blog. Maybe then I'd be more motivated to post. :)