Saturday, February 6, 2010

More poetry

Hey, it's me again. I've got some more poetry to share with you.

Today I have three three poems along with their visual counterparts. Let's get to it then...

The Key to Happiness

The Key To Happiness

Powerful, Blinding
Strengthen, Subdue, Destroy
The key to happiness

That was a fairly simple one. Next ...
Kiss Me Again

Kiss Me Again

a kiss
light and tender embrace
of lips
blood heated, warms my face
the fire
of passions deep within
for you to kiss me again.

I remember writing that years ago. I've noticed it posted on a few websites with someone else's nake attached to it. Maybe someone else found it somewhere and claimed it, or it could be an old alias of mine that I've forgetten.
The Masque of Fear

Masque of Fear

My pain.
I carry it with me ... always.
Some days hurt more than others,
But the pain, it's always there.

My pain.
It feels like a knife in my chest,
Piercing my heart.
I can't take it much longer.

My pain.
I think about it all day.
I try to tell myself it's not there.
But that just makes it worse,
makes it stronger.

My pain.
It is making me weak.
Some days I can't get out of bed.
I know what I must do ...

... but I am afraid.

Alright kids, that's it for today. I'll be back again soon.

Friday, February 5, 2010

A bit of visual poetry

I've been playing around with visual poetry for years now. Eventually, I'll scan my older stuff to the computer so you can see that. For now, here's a few that I put together in Photoshop.

Remember to click the thumbnails to see a larger image.

This first one is called "Inspiration"


It's inspired by Citizen Cope's song, "Let the Drummer Kick It"

This is "Red"


Inspired by a poem that I wrote YEARS ago. I haven't been able to find the book where it's written. I could only remember the first lines ...
My heart and blood.
Feelings flood.
Finally, this is "Hope"
There's bits from another lost poem here. Translated to Chinese characters, because I just think it's beautiful.

There are a few more that I was going to post here, but I'm going to save them for another time.


Ok, I know I said I was going to try to do this more often. As you can see, it's been a while. I'm going to start reposting my art and poetry. I won't be posting in order of creation, but I'm going to try to keep it pretty close.

Some of you may remember this series. I posted these a few years ago, and I made them a few years before that. This was in my early years with Photoshop.

I call this series Seven. Click on images to see them larger. Here we go ...

















So that's it. I'll try to be more interesting next time.